The Northern Piecemakers Quilt Guild was formed:
- to promote the art of quilting,
- to share ideas and accomplishments,
- to inspire each other to creative excellence, and
- to serve the community.
The Northern Piecemakers Quilt Guild offers you:
- monthly meetings with other quilters for inspiration and fellowship. Each meeting's focus is the sharing of ideas and the enhancement of individual skills through participation in the program;
- quilting classes and workshops with guest instructors sponsored by the guild;
- involvement in community service projects;
- a membership that entitles you to a discount at Cotton Candy Quilts and Sewing (please have your card available when making purchases);
- a "show and tell" segment at each meeting, presented by group members offering inspiration to all;
- information regarding quilt shows and other related events held locally and within other areas;
- yearly dues $25.
Article 1 - Name.
The name of the guild shall be Northern Piecemakers Quilt Guild (NPQG).
Article 2 – Purpose
NQPG was formed with the following goals:
Membership in NPQG is open to anyone interested in the art of quilting and is granted upon completion of a membership form and payment of annual dues. Paid members in good standing receive a single vote in guild matters. The membership year shall run from September 1 to August 31. Each member is required to keep dues current, payable within the first two months of the guild year. Guests are welcome and encouraged. Visitors may attend two meeting free of charge before being required to pay the membership fee. In some cases, visitors may attend special events for an additional cost above the member cost of the event.
Article 4 - Fees
The annual fee shall be an amount recommended by the Executive and approved by a majority of those members present at the May Annual General Meeting.
Article 5 - Meetings
General meetings shall be held on the first Monday of the month, Sept to June. If a Monday falls on a public holiday, the meeting shall be held on the second Monday of that month. The venue for the general meetings will be decided by the executive and approved by a majority vote of the members present at the meeting. Additional meetings may be called by the Executive for special events or as needed.
Article 6 – Executive Committee
Duties of Executive Board Members
Article 7 – Committees
NPQG shall have committees which are responsible for particular activities within the guild. Any member in good standing can serve on a committee. In order to allow participation of all guild members, a member may serve on only one committee at a time, and their participation on that committee should not exceed 3 years. The coordinator of these committees will be chosen by the committee members. All committees and chairpersons are responsible for reporting their activities to the members at the general business meetings.
These committees are:
The Executive Board may strike ad hoc or standing committees as needed for the guild and its activities, for example a committee to organize a quilt show.
Article 9 — Amendments to the bylaws
The bylaws may be amended at the AGM by a majority vote of members present and in good standing, provided the proposed amendment has been submitted in writing to the Executive previously. The Secretary will post the proposed bylaw revision to the guild’s website for the members to review, at least two weeks prior to the vote.
Article 10 – Dissolution of the Guild
In the event of the disbanding of NPQG, the membership will vote on how any remaining Guild funds and assets will be dispersed.
September 14, 2015
Article 1 - Name.
The name of the guild shall be Northern Piecemakers Quilt Guild (NPQG).
Article 2 – Purpose
NQPG was formed with the following goals:
- to promote the art of quilting,
- to share ideas and accomplishments,
- to inspire each other to creative excellence, and
- to serve the community.
Membership in NPQG is open to anyone interested in the art of quilting and is granted upon completion of a membership form and payment of annual dues. Paid members in good standing receive a single vote in guild matters. The membership year shall run from September 1 to August 31. Each member is required to keep dues current, payable within the first two months of the guild year. Guests are welcome and encouraged. Visitors may attend two meeting free of charge before being required to pay the membership fee. In some cases, visitors may attend special events for an additional cost above the member cost of the event.
Article 4 - Fees
The annual fee shall be an amount recommended by the Executive and approved by a majority of those members present at the May Annual General Meeting.
Article 5 - Meetings
General meetings shall be held on the first Monday of the month, Sept to June. If a Monday falls on a public holiday, the meeting shall be held on the second Monday of that month. The venue for the general meetings will be decided by the executive and approved by a majority vote of the members present at the meeting. Additional meetings may be called by the Executive for special events or as needed.
Article 6 – Executive Committee
- The voting members of the Executive Committee consist of the President, Treasurer, Secretary, Program Coordinator & Community Action Coordinator, the Webmaster and one representative of each standing committee. The Executive Committee will have full authority to manage the affairs of the Guild, subject to the Bylaws or directions given it by majority vote at any properly called meeting. The membership must be given two weeks’ notice for any special meetings called by the President.
- A nominating committee shall be formed in March. The Nominating committee will present the slate of nominees to the general membership for voting at the May meeting/AGM.
- Terms of office for the Executive are 2 years and may be extended by the vote of the membership for a maximum of 3 years. A member who has served on the Executive Committee for the maximum term may stand for election for the same position again after an absence of 1 year. If a member of the Executive is unable to complete their term, the Executive may appoint a willing guild member to fill the remainder of that term.
- All guild members are eligible for election to the Executive, providing they are a member in good standing, are 18 years or older and have not served on the committee for longer than the maximum term.
- The Executive committee will meet prior to the September meeting to orient new members and plan and discuss the activities of the guild for the upcoming year. Other meetings will be called as needed by the President. A quorum for Executive meetings shall be six members.
- Newly elected executive committee members will assume their duties at the close of the June meeting. Out-going members shall arrange to transfer any pertinent materials by that time.
Duties of Executive Board Members
- The President shall be responsible for the agenda and the conduction of Executive and General monthly meetings, chairing the Executive Committee, attending other committee meetings as needed, and performing other duties as required. He/she will have signing authority at the guild’s bank and PO Box. At the beginning of each guild year, the President will ensure that the list of authorized signatures (President, Secretary and Treasurer) for the guild bank account is up to date per bank policy. A copy of the minutes of the AGM is required.
- The Secretary shall keep minutes of all business meetings of the NPQG and shall maintain permanent records of all meetings. Minutes will be posted to the website, for viewing by the members at least one week prior to the next meeting. Hard copies will be provided to members without computer access. Secretary will keep one year’s records on hand and deliver all old records to the Provincial Archives located at the GP Museum for storage. The Secretary is also responsible for any correspondence to and from the guild, informing the members of pertinent correspondence, checking the post office box at least monthly and ensuring that the list of authorized users for the PO Box is up to date.
- The Treasurer shall receive and bank all NPQG monies, disburse funds as authorized by the Executive Board and maintain records of all funds. A brief financial report shall be made quarterly. All expenses must be submitted to the Treasurer. The Treasurer shall prepare the proposed budget for the upcoming fiscal year and shall present it at the September meeting for the members’ approval. The Treasurer will have signing authority at the guild’s bank and access to the guild PO Box. The Guild accounts will be audited annually before the June meeting, by a member of the executive and a general guild member.
- The Webmaster shall be responsible for maintaining an up-to-date online presence on the NPQG website, ensuring appropriate access for authorized members. No offensive comments may be posted on either the Guild website or Facebook page.
- The Program Coordinator shall be responsible for chairing the Program Committee and coordinating the planning for the guild meeting activities, which include learning opportunities and challenges for members at all levels of quilting experience. He/she will work with the CAC coordinator to create opportunities for the members to participate in making quilts for community needs.
- The CAC Coordinator will chair the CAC committee and be responsible for the distribution of CAC funds, organizing the purchase and storage of CAC supplies, and working with the Program Coordinator in planning charity quilt work for the guild. He/she will be the liaison between NPQG and Grande Prairie and area community agencies needing quilts. Any commitment to community agencies for the provision of regularly provided quilts will be brought to the membership for approval. Any member can request a CAC quilt for a community need. On occasion, other communities in need may receive quilts through CAC. At the monthly guild meeting, the CAC Coordinator reports all quilts that have been distributed to the community.
Article 7 – Committees
NPQG shall have committees which are responsible for particular activities within the guild. Any member in good standing can serve on a committee. In order to allow participation of all guild members, a member may serve on only one committee at a time, and their participation on that committee should not exceed 3 years. The coordinator of these committees will be chosen by the committee members. All committees and chairpersons are responsible for reporting their activities to the members at the general business meetings.
These committees are:
- Community Action Committee (CAC) is led by the CAC Coordinator. This committee is responsible for organizing the charitable activities of the guild.
- Program Committee is led by the Program Coordinator. This committee is responsible for organizing the program of activities for the general meetings, which include educational and group activities such as quilting techniques, challenges, and workshops for various levels of quilting experience and interest.
- Welcoming Committee is responsible for orienting new members to the guild and making them feel welcome.
- Sunshine Committee is responsible for sending cards of support to members experiencing any significant life event. The privacy of those members will be honoured.
- Publicity committee is responsible for informing guild members and the community of guild meetings and activities using media such as radio, local TV stations, local newspapers, posters. This committee also keeps members apprised of meeting dates and special activities via the email distribution list.
- Hospitality Committee is responsible for organizing snacks for the general meeting and potluck meals for the December and June meetings.
The Executive Board may strike ad hoc or standing committees as needed for the guild and its activities, for example a committee to organize a quilt show.
Article 9 — Amendments to the bylaws
The bylaws may be amended at the AGM by a majority vote of members present and in good standing, provided the proposed amendment has been submitted in writing to the Executive previously. The Secretary will post the proposed bylaw revision to the guild’s website for the members to review, at least two weeks prior to the vote.
Article 10 – Dissolution of the Guild
In the event of the disbanding of NPQG, the membership will vote on how any remaining Guild funds and assets will be dispersed.
September 14, 2015